My first experiments in computer design started in art school. After that, my work started to specialize by collaborating with different studios. Initially, I dealt more with graphics and design, but I’ve always been a fan of illustration.
Growing up, were you influenced by Western pop culture and American artists?
I’ve adored comics (American, European and Japanese) since I was a little child. I guess my best style influences stem from this passion and all things I have seen, studied, heard, and lived. I follow the works of contemporary artists like Luis Rojo and Joe Chiodo.

Sure, in Italy contemporary artists like Milo Manara, Bonvi, Guido Crepax and more inspire me.
In your illustrations, the female body is extremely distorted with large breasts, tiny wastes and bodacious hips & tushes. We’re assuming this is your ideal body type, correct?
This has always been my idea of beauty but not the only prototype of a perfect woman (I adore abundant forms of women). The shape is similar to a “monster” like Frankenstein formed by different pieces sewn together including feelings that cause a deformation of the look like an exaggerated surgical operation

The thing that intrigues me the most about the female body is the soft curves generously designed from the body’s movements.
Are your illustrations based on real women or are they fictional characters that you’ve created?
Usually, real models inspire me after I masquerade them with my fantasies. Sometimes they are subjects created by me and their look doesn’t belong to a real woman. Surely, I’m not worried about recreating the perfect reality, so I can enjoy myself with the design.

In terms of the colors, I search to imagine the final result from the beginning of the work.
But, sometimes I happen to make variations to the usual theories of fit. The fit can be inspired by everything like photos, rooms, and objects. I like to have colors textural that can add life to the design.
Tell us where we can find more of your work.
My portfolio, up to date news, and contact info can be found on my website www.gianlucamattia.com.
Fantastic Arts.. very Imaginative.. Thanks for sharing