This new digital Mini Rolleiflex brings back memories of the well-known Classic Camera Collection. It has the same shape and design as the famous 6×6 twin lens reflex camera, and offers a resolution of up to 3.1 million (interpolated) pixels. Many details of the large model were taken over accurately and at actual scale.
Taking photos with this camera` is like the real thing in miniature but in digital. Just like the original with its 6×6cm square format this MiniDigi takes square format digital photos. Viewing is from above camera – as with the original – through the foldable viewfinder where the image is displayed on a 0.9 inch LCD monitor. To prepare the camera for the next shot, the normal metal transportation crank on the right side of the body is turned until a clicking sound confirms that the MiniDigi is ready for the next shot. At the front of the shutter release is below the twin lenses. Therefore, using the MiniDigi is like taking a trip through memory lane, but with the added advantage of to-days digital media.

The durable metal housing weighs only a 100 gram and is first-class finished in every detail. The camera body as well as the foldable viewfinder are covered with red leather. It comes complete with a neck strap, a 32 MB MMC memory card, battery and user’s manual. Available in the original black or in retro red.
For more info, click HERE
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